Presentation – Seeds of Hope in Portugal

Our dear friend, Professor Professor Simone Auf der Maur from Porto University, Portugal recently presented some of the projects of the Oneness Heart Tears and Smiles at a webinar involving 5 other universities.

In her words:

As I work as a professor at the University of Porto, I was invited to hold a webinar on Intercultural communication for the 5 participant universities within the network called European University Alliance for Global Health.

I chose to talk about the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals exemplified by the wonderful work of Sri Chinmoy and his life dedicated to Global Peace, which of course is a fundamental part of the Agenda 2030. So we discussed the notion ofculture, intercultural communication, tolerance and peace and every participant wrote down what global peace meant for him or for her.

Then I presented the outstanding and inspiring contributions Sri Chinmoy has offered to the world through his art, music, writings and his projects and also through his work with the UN. In the webinar, we were talking about self-transcendence, inner and outer strength, happiness and love and how each of us can contribute every day to a peaceful world.We also thought of small group projects and in what way the participants feel inspired to transcend themselves. At the end of the webinar, the participants compared what has changed in how they feel what global peace means for them now.

Here is another presentation of the many different projects in Portugal:

Happiness Banners in schools

Planting Trees in Portugal and Indonesia