Requests from the United Nations over the years

Since 1970, Sri Chinmoy has had a very close involvement with the United Nations. This is a list of some of the services that the Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles initiative was grateful to provide, at the direct requests of UN Under-Secretaries General Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury and Professor Ibrahim Gambari, who were both very dear friends […]

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Czech Children put together 5,500 Kids-to-Kids packs for Sisters of Mother Teresa in India

To pay homage to Mother Teresa on the occasion of her canonization, organizers of Sri Chinmoy’s ongoing humanitarian program, the Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles, arranged for 50 schools in the Czech Republic to put together 5,500 Kids-to-Kids packs containing hygiene and school supplies for Nirmala Shishu Bhavan – the Mother Teresa Missionaries of Charity in […]

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Japan – 4 months after the tsunami

       By Harashita (Tokyo) The European Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles coordinator Abhisar from Czech Republic, a professional pantomimer Vlado from Slovakia, and 3 local staff (Akanda-from-Mongolia, Usra, and Harashita) paid a visit to northern Japan. During our two-day visit on July 11 & 12, we visited 6 schools and 1 shelter in 3 cities in Miyagi […]

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